Saturday, March 21, 2009


I am here to write some nonsense.

I am non some here to sensewrite.

Agamemnon's here: a fencewright!

Here I am babayay! (signed, sealed, dismembered) Azores!

Doodah parader. (think Smooth Operator [y'know, I'm more like one than the other(can you guess which? [I bet Virgie can (more than one answer accepted)])])

One time my pastor's wife was teaching and having authority over me at church, and man, did she hate Healing Circles. I'll tell you what she hates: healing circles, man. Healing circles (are bad according to my former pastor's wife.) Sometimes in the middle of the music she would yell out "healing circles! They have healing circles!" She meant the people under demonic influence. Healing circles came from this one shop on high bridge road, on the way to the Brills house, on the right if going North. I never went there. I bet you it's closed now--not many window shoppers on High Bridge Road, huh, Demon People?

Demon people, demon people
pokin’, whackin’, screamin’ people
people with perpetually, fully taped-up noses. People
blasting fire hoses in the noses of the evil people.
Steeples cannot save you from the circles of the weevil people
weeple, weeple, weeple, weeple, weeple, weeple, weeple people

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