Thursday, March 15, 2007


I wonder if there is a word that means to talk in your sleep. Perhaps I can make one up: somnolalia. I think that would work.

I did some talking in my sleep last night. Right after she heard it, Virgie wrote it down. She shared it with me over breakfast, which we eat every morning at 5 friggin' AM. Here's what my subconscious wanted to say:

What did you say?
You're going to be the X's
I'm going to be all the other ones,
'Cause they got the power.
Look at that!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

The cow

I took a job with an infomercial company as a statistician three weeks ago. It seemed perfect, but it has become apparent that the company comes by its money dishonestly. For instance, they sells a book which touts natural remedies to virtually any chronic disease, including cancer. The book contains very little medical information. It just plugs an online newsletter which costs $10/month, or something like $500 for a lifetime subscription. The mastermind of the operation is Kevin Trudeau, the only person who has been permanently banned from selling products on television. Because of the first amendment, however, the FDA couldn't stop him from selling books, so that's what he sells. Those books, and various other products with dubious claims attached, are what generate revenue for the company. The longer I stayed there, the more uncomfortable I became. I put my two weeks notice in after one week.

Anyway, I took on a project which required that I review 200 pages of health code. Having no idea what a "primal cut" was, I googled it and found a picture of a cow. I should say, the image of Cowness: noble, sturdy, not particularly intelligent. Here is the cow-

You're welcome.
